Month: December 2020

Authentication failed, Update Manager server could not be contacted

Today I tried to open the Update Manager and got the following error. Authentication failed, Update Manager server could not be contacted When searching the VMware KB I found the following Article: I already had the mentioned Version installed. A restart of the Update Manager Service or login/logoff on the HTML5 UI didn’t fixed the

Authentication failed, Update Manager server could not be contacted Read More »

TPM 2.0 device detected but a connection cannot be established

On my Intel NUC 10i5FNH I get always the error “TPM 2.0 device detected but a connection cannot be established” in the GUI. Also after disabling the TPM Option in the BIOS, I still had this error message. I found a solution based on the blog of virtuallyghetto.com In the readme of the bios release

TPM 2.0 device detected but a connection cannot be established Read More »